Sunday, April 22, 2012

The One Line A Day diary

Last Christmas, it's been a while now, I know! (; , I only had one big wish; The One Line A Day diary. I was the happiest person in the world when I found the diary under the tree on Christmas day!

The idea of this diary is simple; you write one line a day, for a period of 5 years. My whole life I've tried to keep up a diary, but in the end I always found myself  being too lazy too write down all my experiences in full detail. I did however want to keep a record of all the most amazing experiences, one line a day would work perfectly. Ever since the 1st of January I've been writing in it!

Besides, the design of this diary is gorgeous, that only would have been a reason for me to buy it! You can order the diary here.

What do you think of this diary? Something for you, or are you rather a long-story writer? (; You guys are making my day by commenting and liking, thank you so much!

4 reacties:

Chobi said...

Sounds as a nice dairy for the coming/going on for the 5 years :3.

Lifesplash said...

Wow, ik zou het knap vinden als je dat vol houd komende 5 jaar haha! Maar het resultaat mag er dan ook wezen.

Rosanne said...

Leuk, Mooi boekje ook.

Self Help Hipster (@selfhelphipster) said...

Wow, you have two most beautiful names in the English language, and put together they're even prettier. I like your blog and that diary is so wonderful, isn't it? I like being long-winded but sometimes it's good to keep it short&sweet!

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