Thursday, April 19, 2012

Alarm Music

My school day started this morning at 8.30h, but only after one forever-taking lesson I decided to go home since I was dying from a real bad stomach ache. It took me longer than normal to get home because of the high wind conditions that had suddenly changed in the wrong direction. When I finally got home I put on some comfortable clothes and made myself une grande tasse de thé. I slept a little, but after 2 hours I couldn’t find any new positions to lie in. I put on some music.

-  and I felt horrible! The CD that was playing was one of my favorites; Science & Faith from the script. That’s not a bad thing at all, the problem was that I had the feeling I had to wake up and go to school. This, because the CD had functioned as my alarm clock for the past few weeks. The music used to give me such a wonderful feeling, and now it had all been ruined. I just couldn’t stand it, so ever since this morning I’ve been playing the CD to remind myself of how much it was NOT my alarm clock. Luckily, after 4 repeats, I can now finally listen to it while enjoying it as much as I used to. Because music of the The Script, is simply the best music in the world!

Isn’t it amazing how music has the capability to give you such special and strong feelings?

Are there any songs that remind you of waking up, because they’ve once been your alarm?

1 reacties:

I Made You A Mixtape said...

I love the Script! And music is such a great remedy for all sorts of ailments... physical or otherwise!

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