Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tableau Vivant

For the subject Culture and Art we were given the practical assignment to make a Tableau Vivant, which literally means; living picture. The idea was that students would create a scene looking exactly like a painting, and then photograph it. Our teacher however allowed us to recreate a key film scene or poster! My friend and I got enthousiastic and after looking for someone looking like my friend, we spend our whole afternoon taking pictures. Lighting, shadows and expressions, it all had to be perfect! Thanks to my photoshop skills we managed to make it look-a-like the original pretty good! (:

I proudly present to you our remake of the Letters to Juliet film poster! What do you think?

Original                                                                                                        Our version

3 reacties:

Anna said...

Looks good

Lifesplash said...

Wow, die is geweldig gelukt. Toen ik snel keek dacht ik even dat het twee dezelfde plaatjes waren haha!

Elke said...

Haha, super leuk gedaan! Zou het denk ik zelf niet beter kunnen zonder mijn geduld te verliezen :p

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