Friday, May 24, 2013

the -I LOVE-

Why not focus on all the lovely and sweet aspects of our life? We all feel like crap every now and then right?

hartjeNot having to leave the house while rain is pouring down outsidehartjeHow Flickr tells you to 'Hold on these tiger', while uploading photo'shartjeFrest mint tea (all because spring just wont start here!)hartjeWhen candles spread this lovely scent you didn't expect, and the living room smells like heaven because of themhartje Rediscovering an old song

 hartjeHow Daily Grace and Jamie make me laugh every single dayhartjeWhen interesting people start following my blog or my instagram hartjeTurning up the volume of my iPhone when my favourite song comes uphartjeHow Klaus tells Caroline he intends to be her last love in the season final of the Vampire DiarieshartjeFinding out new ways to style my hairhartjeDance dares - especially this onehartjeThe feeling of FINALLY finishing something that has been on your to-do list for ageshartjeFitch, pleasehartjeBreakfast, in particular yoghurt with muesli and fruit. Mjam!hartjeReceiving snail mailhartjewhenever my favourite song is playing right on the moment I turn on the radiohartjeHow my hair looks before I leave the househartjeMy bike; The sweet thing can take me really anywhere!hartjeNot having to do exams yethartjeSipping the frothed milk on top of cappuccinos or lattes
hartjethis song:

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1 reacties:

Anonymous said...

Eens! :)

Wat een fijne blog is dit.

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