Published one week ago, almost 19.000.000 views ever since. Just a wonderful short movie to make you realize how beautiful you really are!
Happy Monday lovely!
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Published one week ago, almost 19.000.000 views ever since. Just a wonderful short movie to make you realize how beautiful you really are!
Happy Monday lovely!
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I’m a photographer and retouch artist from Sweden. I use photography as a way of collecting material to realize the ideas in my mind. I don’t capture moments, I capture ideas.
Erik Johansson is a Swedish photographer, who expresses his ideas by his unique manipulations. After finishing his study he moved to the artistic city Berlin. His work is so unrealistic, but extremely realistic at the same time. Inspiring, and worth sharing!
I get inspiration from all things around me. Anything from things I see in my daily life to other artist’s work and photography. I think it’s a lot about looking at the world from a different perspective.
Visit his website here!
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Vous savez, ce petit frisson d'excitation qui électrise quand on guette l'arrivée du facteur. Lorsqu'on ouvre, avec empressement, sa boîte aux lettres. Quand on déballe, fébrile, un colis mystère. Tous les mois, My Little Box va vous surprendre.
My little Geekette Box? Too amazing!
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Can't believe I'm actually writing this; I AM GOING TO THE USA THIS SUMMER!!! I'll write about all of our plans soon, first of all;
Enjoy your weekly dose of ocular candy! (:
Weekend? Finally, yes! I took these photos on the very first sunny day of the year some time ago. Although spring hasn't really started yet, these photos remind me of how beautiful the world is in summer!
BTW, I just set a date for the photo-course my friends gave me on my birthday, I can't wait!
Enjoy the weekend, It will be awesome!
Do you have any tips or comments? I'd love to hear them!
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After talking French all day long (school-thing), it feels weird to write in English again! Hope I inspire you with these beautiful pictures, have a lovely evening!
Enjoy your weekly dose of ocular candy! (: