I feel empty inside. I feel like the world is a very unfair and unsafe place to be in, with or without love that is. Love changes people you know, on an internal basis I mean. It changes one's view of the things that happen around you, your friends, your family. A very important aspect of love, I feel, is acceptance. We ought to, even though we often do not, accept each others flaws and imperfections, as they make the one you love themselves. The greatest of gifts from whatever place you desire, be it God or Allah or your friends, is your own personality, and the way in which you make important choices that shape your life. I love my friends, and am very thankful for the things that they have pulled me through. Some have shown their worthiness of my love, others turned out to be merely shopping mates. According to some French socialist from the French Revolution, people are group animals, and we can simply not survive on our own. Trust me I've tried, but he was right. The love your receive from your friends should navigate you through difficult times, rather than seeming to be unfair. Find out what your true qualities are, and involve them in your life to the max. Do not ever allow anyone to take that freedom from you. Being different from the crowd is not a sin, it should be seen as something valuable and interesting. Find out what and who you love, apply it in your life, and be what and who you want to be.
Love always,
A friend.
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