Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Queensnight & Queensday

Queensnight and Queensday were so much fun! I spend both in Utrecht, the city was so crowded! On our way to the train station yesterday my friend and I got literally stuck in the crowd. We just had to wait until we were 'pushed' through it.

At some point Sunday night we were talking to a guy from London and he just kept saying how much he liked Queensnight. "It's amazing! There are parties everywhere!"  haha cute!

The weather was perfect!


Queensnight - Domsquare

We were with a huge group, and lost each other constantly. A friend and I climbed up a bar to look for the others, and  I shot this photo up there!

 For the Dutchies:
How and where did you celebrate Queensnight and Queensday? (:

btw: YES! (:

1 reacties:

ayla said...

Mooi die eerste foto! Ik zei gister nog tegen iemand: als toeristen naar Nederland willen komen, is dit de dag om te komen!

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